Inspiring Quotes to Combat Cyberbullying

Explore a powerful collection of inspiring quotes that shed light on the impact of cyberbullying and encourage resilience and kindness. These quotes from notable figures remind us of the importance of standing against online harassment and supporting one another in the digital age. From Phil Lester to Taylor Swift, each quote serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action against the toxic culture of cyberbullying. Join us in spreading awareness and fostering a safer online community through these impactful words.

Wisdom from the Masters

"There's a problem when we continue to ignore the problem. Let's take a stand to combat the bullying and cyberbullying epidemic. Together, we can change the narrative."

- Germany Kent


"Sitting behind a computer gives people a sense of anonymity, but everyone needs to realize that words-even the ones they write online- have a strong power to hurt people."

- Demi Lovato


"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

- Desmond Tutu


"If you're insulting people on the internet, you must be ugly on the inside."

- Phil Lester


"Unless and until our society recognizes cyber bullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue."

- Anna Maria Chávez


"When you contribute to a safer world for the truth, contribute to help stop violence and help end impunity: be vigilant, be alert, stay safe, protect your emotions and health from aggressive troublemakers and manipulators, and have a strong, diplomatic, clear and firm boundaries. Be honest, be factual, and have an indestructible firm coping mechanism ways while you could experience waves of digital aggression as they would like to silence you, discredit you, and they try to ruin your integrity, persona, reputation and credibility. The deceptive, evil manipulators plant lies and create intrigues, polemics mongering, gossip-mongering, and calumny committed by abusive political harridans, bitches and assholes who can shame you privately and publicly. Group cyber lynching, group cyberbullying, defamatory libellous slander is committed by these cyber aggressors who are also financial-political abusive parasites, pathological liar cyberbullies toxic manipulators, and repetitive abusers. Usually when the stakes are high, these manipulative, deceptive, dishonest, unscrupulous aggressive and vindictive, abusive toxic people would resort to any forms of aggression/abuse: digital or cyber aggression, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and psychological abuse, financial/economic abuse, and/or physical aggression. When a group of habitual, deceptive, toxic netizens, digital aggressors send you threats, disturb your family member with their concocted destructive lies, and they took hold a copy of your passport or ID - change it immediately. Document the threats, the libellous slander, done by these aggressive and abusive people who took advantage of you, used you, and abused you, and do not hesitate to report them to the right authorities. You have to learn how to handle these scammers, habitual offensive abusive offenders/perpetrators, manipulators, bullies, digital aggressors/aggression, cyber lynchers, coward, pathological liars, opportunistic users, economic/financial abusers, emotional, psychological and verbal abusers, and repetitive abusers without breaking the law. Even if they dehumanised you, shamed you and abused you for several years, do not and never dehumanise them. Always remember the three Rs of life: 1. Respect for self 2. Respect for others 3. Responsibility for all your actions"

- Angelica Hopes


"Let's stand together against cyberbullying to end this epidemic."

- Germany Kent


"Cyberbullying is not a spectator sport. When and if you see it happening resist, stay informed and aware of how you can help and take some steps to champion against it."

- Germany Kent


"Far worse things can happen to you than some stranger hurting your feelings on the internet."

- Taylor Adams


"We have become insensitive to the severity of the situation when it comes to bullying and cyberbullying."

- Germany Kent


"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke."

- Benjamin Disraeli


"Cyber bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm."

- Anna Maria Chávez


"Bad Goodreads reviews are cyberbullying: attacking someone with an undeserved 1 star review and cruel insults. Goodreads bullies trash the author's hard work, just for fun. Simply to inflict pain on a random stranger. The bully feels strong because the author is defenseless and can't fight back, while a part of them is being publicly dragged through the mud."

- Oliver Markus Malloy


"People who hide under fake accounts and anonymous account. Have nothing good to say. They always talk trash about others. Influence hate, bullying and abuse. They are instigators. They use this accounts to say filthy things and to ruin people lives. What they don't know is that Karma knows their real identity."

- De philosopher DJ Kyos


"You will always be criticized and teased and bullied for things that make you different, but usually those things will be what set you apart. The things that set you apart from the pack, the things that you once thought were your weaknesses will someday become your strengths."

- Taylor Swift


"He who has conquered his own coward spirit has conquered the whole outward world."

- Thomas Hughes


"When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're angry, everything looks like a target. There are a lot of angry people in the world. And these days, they're all online."

- Jennifer Weiner


"You should help out because you can be next."

- Justin Bieber


"If bullies actually believe that somebody loves them and believes in them, they will love themselves, they will become better people, and many will even become saviors to the bullied."

- Dan Pearce


"When a fool utters all kinds of insults against you in a social media group without even knowing you or without any worthwhile reason or provocation usually they are merely sad & pathetic attention seeking trolls who we should all feel sorry for. They don't deserve our anger. They deserve our pity."

- R.M. Engelhardt


"Having work published using a pseudonym is so refreshing, its like a witness protection for victims of cyberbullying!"

- Chris Geiger


"Each fandom may feel ownership of its creator, but in reality, creators don't owe us anything and we have no claim to them or their work."

- Stewart Stafford


Bite-sized Inspirational Quotes

"Cyber bullying is bullying. Hiding behind a pretty screen doesn’t make it any less hateful."


"Not all forms of abuse leave bruises."


"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who look on and do nothing."


"No one heals himself by wounding another."


"How many people we going to lose to death, because of Social Media or Cyberbullying. Those people were not weak. It is you who is toxic and evil. Social Media it is like a gun. Used carelessly. It takes a life."
